Chulalongkorn University

The Eighth Asian Bioethics Conference

Biotechnology, Culture, and Human Values in Asia and Beyond

March 19-23, 2007, Century Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand


Interested parties are invited to submit their panel proposals for consideration of inclusion in the 8th Asian Bioethics Conference. A panel should consist of three to four separate papers, to be moderated and chaired by the panel organizer. The theme of the panel is quite flexible; any topic in bioethics, broadly construed, is considered for possible inclusion in the conference.

Each panel will have around two to two-and-a-half hour time frame to present all the papers, including any questions/answers and introduction or conclusion by the panel organizer.

As with the previous ABC conferences, we will make sure there will be no parallel sessions in this conference. This is to ensure maximum exposure and direct contact among the participants.

Panel proposals will only be accepted if it is very clear that the panel is the best mechanism for the expression of widely diverging positions on an issue of concern to a wide section of the bioethics community. The panel organizer will act as chair and moderator throughout the entire session of the panel, and he or she will also be responsible for the content of the description of the panel, which will be included in the book of abstracts, together with the abstracts of the members of the panel.

Please send a proposal of around 1,500 - 2,000 words in length, consisting of the theme of the panel (most important), the rationale and objectives of the panel, as well as a list of panelists and the titles of their papers, together with a letter from each individual panelist confirming their participation at the panel and at the conference.

Deadline for submission of the panel proposal is November 30, 2006, and the panel organizer will be notified of the result of the Program Committee's decision on whether to include the panel in the conference by December 30, 2006.

Please send the panel proposal to:

Dr. Soraj Hongladarom
Chair, Local Organizing Committee,
The Eighth Asian Bioethics Conference
Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts
Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok 10330, Thailand

Tel. +66(0)2218-4756; Fax +66(0)2218-4755

The proposal can be sent via regular mail or fax. For email submission, please make sure that you have already included the confirming letter of each panelist in electronic form and that each letter is attached to the main proposal.

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